Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Extended Patagonia Community: Clif Bar

 Image from of Kit Crawford and Gary Erickson, owners and co-CEOs of Clif Bar.
We'll return to our regularly-scheduled Patagonia programming shortly, but I'd like to start a new feature (semi-regular?) that gives a glimpse of some other companies that are like-minded with Patagonia.  In other words, these companies align with some aspect of the Patagonia brand.  We're going to call this The Extended Patagonia Community (EPC) and we'll start today with Clif Bar.

I came across a feature on Outside Magazine about the new Clif Bar headquarters in Emeryville California.  It's been a growing company that creates good products, and the fact that they're just a stones throw from Berkeley keeps the company endearingly quirky.

The headquarters are great, with a rock wall, solar panels, and a wall-mounted topo map.  The time-lapse video of the building of the headquarters is below, but to get the full treatment, check out the article on the Outside website.



Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Resole Your Patagonia Footwear

Image from

It's happened to me before.  A perfectly good pair of shoes is tossed in the garbage because the sole is worn out.  The rest of the shoe looks fine, but that darn sole is worn through.  Patagonia is now offering resoling on its shoes.  The picture above is from and is the Patagonia Drifter shoe in pieces.  

Take advantage of this opportunity to reduce waste and keep those favored pair of Patagonia shoes by utilizing this new service!

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

New Release--Unexpected: 30 Years of Patagonia Catalog Photography

One of the things I've always enjoyed about receiving Patagonia catalogs is the photography.  The products are usually pretty fantastic, but seeing them in the environment for which they were created adds a neat dimension.  Patagonia has released a new book presenting the photographs that have shown up in their catalogs through the years.  At $49 (or $32.34 on Amazon), it would make a nice holiday present.